2007 Review
Celebration of Danube Cultures! Danube Day 2007 inspired countries across the Danube Basin to mark the day with art, music, dancing and traditional food and costumes.

Events took place across the region, with highlights including:
- "Greet the Danube": a wall of sound travelling down the river, created by the simultaneous sounding of ships' horns from boats on the river. Organised by Global Water Partnership Hungary.
- IAD International "Waters Unite" Bicycle Tour: an annual event, this year the bicycle tour took cyclists on a mammoth journey from Krems to Györ, travelling through the floodplains of Austria, Slovakia and Hungary, and getting a chance to explore the landscape, animals and plants across the basin.
- Danube Art Master: the annual art competition for school children was more successful than ever this year. For the first time Montenegro joined the other Danube countries in organising this basin-wide competition to make a work of art inspired by the river. Organised across the basin by Danube Environmental Forum, this year more than 4,000 works of art were entered!
- Danube Box project: developed in partnership between ICPDR and Coca-Cola, this provides educational materials, including teacher's notes, booklets, an interactive cd-rom, and ideas for games, projects and outdoor activities to help children learn more about the Danube river. Already in use in Austria, it was this year launched in Romania, Hungary and Serbia, with Germany working towards taking up the project.