2005 Review
Danube Day 2005: More than just water. Local, national and basin-wide events united the Danube countries for Danube Day 2005.

Danube Photo competition
The 2005 Danube Day Photo Competition challenged everyone from the region, whether amateur or professional, to capture the beauty and fragility of the Danube rivers in a photograph. Entries surpassed all expectations, with nine Danube countries participating in the Danube Environmental Forum organised contest.
Andreja Miklic from Slovenia won the People and Water category with his evocative image of men harvesting fish from a Danube lake. Gabor Sovari from Hungary impressed the judges winning the Problems category for 'Dead Coot'. The overall Nature category winner was Laszlo Janos from Hungary for a stunning photograph of a sand island in the Danube. While Nadezda Bukvayova from Slovakia and Andreja Miklic from Slovenia won the Plant and Animal sub-categories.
Danube Art Master competition
Danube Art Master 2005 brought 1000s of pupils together in a creative extravaganza. Organised by the Danube Environmental Forum (DEF), this ambitious contest saw children from 13 countries visit their local rivers and create over 2200 artworks reflecting what the Danube means to them. Sculptures, paintings and mosaics lined river banks across the region, a visual representation of young people's vision for a positive future.
National winners travelled to the Ministry of Environment and Water in Hungary, where Class 6a of the Auf der Schanz school from Germany were crowned the International Danube Art Masters for 2005 at a prestigious ceremony. Their winning sculpture of waving happy Danube children comprised stones, plants and wood found at their local river. All national winners were treated to a 3-day environmental tour in Hungary.Press Release - Danube Art Master 2005 740.68 KB
Danube Stakeholder Conference: the key event of Danube Day - a major international gathering put Danube people at the heart of Danube decision-making. Organised by the ICPDR, it provided a forum for the varied stakeholder groups. Download the fact sheet below and see the conference website for details.
Danube Stakeholder Conference - Fact Sheet 56.99 KB -
Greet the Danube: a wave of sound united Danube peoples as ships throughout the basin sounded their horns in tribute to the river. Organised by Global Water Partnership.
50th International Danube Tour: adventure seekers joined the 2082 km canoe safari from Germany to Bulgaria. Organised by the TID.
IAD International Bicycle Tour (Vienna - Bratislava - Cunovo): a two-day bike and train tour explored the Danube floodplains of Austria, Slovakia and Hungary, and the plants and animals found there. Organised by the IAD, IG Fahrrad and Slovensky Sokol. Download the fact sheet below for the detailed programme.
IAD Transboundary Bike Tour - Fact Sheet 249.29 KB